51- Milled from a single large block of aluminum, the Leica T is certainly a looker.

52- More than half of the plane is made of strong, lightweight carbon fiber composite, instead of traditional aluminum.

53- Much like the - the arguments about aluminum tubes and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

54- Naldo almost grabbed an equalizer with a late blast, but the aluminum preserved the narrow 3-2 win for Schalke.

55- Navy using much stainless steel in place of aluminum.

56- On Monday, Ford unveils a new F-150 with a body built almost entirely out of aluminum.

57- Other features include a dual-sided USB port, and more durable aluminum connectors and nylon protective material.

58- Photo: Paul Chinn, The Chronicle Buy this photo aluminum cans are compressed into 2,000-pound blocks at the Waste..

59- Place aluminum foil over a cookie sheet and spread seeds in a single layer.

60- Players use an aluminum bat to hit a guaranteed home run.

61- Related: Copper, aluminum and steel collapse to crisis levels Related: The nation's cheapest gas is in..

62- Security tapes show the men then left the store and returned with an aluminum baseball bat.

63- State-owned steel and aluminum mills are under pressure to make their operations cleaner and more efficient.

64- The big selling point is fuel efficiency because the body is made out of aluminum.

65- The car contains a special "aluminum-air" battery that can extend its range by 1,600 kilometres.

66- The challenge will be to make an aluminum body at that price.

67- The Inateck hub is a rectangular oblong of brushed aluminum, so it fits well with aluminum MacBooks or iMacs.

68- The Italian-made aluminum "I'm Watch," announced at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, sells for $249.

69- The Kenney Dam is a hydroelectric dam that was built in the early 1950s to power an aluminum smelter in Kitimat.

70- The L-88 was the rare, aluminum head version.

71- The large Art Deco window and door grilles are aluminum.

72- The new Ferrari Speciale A has a powered aluminum convertible top that can open or retract in just 14 seconds.

73- The new pickup has a body built almost entirely out of aluminum.

74- The Nimbus is a bubble-shaped combination of curved glass, carbon-fiber, titanium, aluminum, and whimsy.

75- The permit allows the company to increase how much sulphur dioxide it can emit in its expansion of the aluminum smelter.

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