26- The tensions and ambiguities of the dualities that Emerson tried to hold together could not be explicated logically or reconciled philosophically.

27- But they recognised the ambiguities, and based their paper on wider evidence, and were prompted by concern for conservation.

28- Fortunately, no ambiguities hang about this word or about its opposite, indeterminism.

29- We thrive on the superficial barb, and shrink from the deeper, more complex, less titillating ambiguities of an issue.

30- We thrive on the superficial barb, and shrink from the deeper, more complex, less titillating ambiguities of an issue.

31- We thrive on the superficial barb, and shrink from the deeper, more complex, less titillating ambiguities of an issue.

32- A similar technique is used to resolve anaphoric references and similar syntactic ambiguities.

33- Shrinking numbers Falling birthrates and statistical ambiguities aside, there has none the less been a major exodus.

34- She was quick to notice the ambiguities in the article.

35- But those jargons can't be used unadulterated because they contain ambiguities and contradictions.

36- The tensions and ambiguities of the dualities that Emerson tried to hold together could not be explicated logically or reconciled philosophically.

37- So this article wants to hand out with ambiguities in this poem, hackle emotional skeleton and idealistic patriotism, show the special value of it.30. Three kinds of flight cross sections were researched including rectangular section, hackle section and trapezoid section.

38- The rules do not prevent the use of extrinsic evidence in interpreting genuine ambiguities in the words of the contract.

39- This paper, from the syntactic level, analyses some English ambiguous sentences, in which ambiguities are caused by the prepositional phrases.

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