51- When it contains a vowel that may have been either short or long in Classical Latin, stress is ambiguous.

52- The ambiguous ending leaves the events of the characters' lives following the game up to interpretation.

53- 40,000 coin tosses yield ambiguous evidence for dynamical bias.

54- A process ambiguously called undeleting allows the recreation of links to data that is no longer associated with a name.

55- Agoracritus - miracle-worker and/or sausage-seller: The protagonist is an ambiguous character.

56- All three types may be referred to simply as opposition if the type is unambiguous in context.

57- Alma 31 1& 6 show unambiguously that it was after Korihor's demise that the mission to the Zoramites took place.

58- ambiguous, misleading, or poorly worded questions are par for the course.

59- As the series progresses, the distinction between the Spanish and the imperialists becomes ambiguous.

60- At the end of the song, Rotten, kneeling on the stage, chanted an unambiguous declaration, "This is no fun.

61- Beyond this ambiguous message, the investigation failed to discover a motive for the attack.

62- Both sides in the case argue that the law unambiguously supports only its position.

63- But the phrase is ambiguous and cannot be seen as conclusive evidence that the Carpi were ethnic Dacians.

64- Caritas became a success in the morally ambiguous Los Angeles underground scene.

65- Cernat, p.115 In Romania, Dada was awarded an ambiguous reception from Tzara's former associate Vinea.

66- Critics have debated possible sources of Tourneur's plot, though no certain and unambiguous source has been identified.

67- De Gribaldy employed him as unambiguous team leader, someone he believed could win stage races and not just stages.

68- Don't repeat yourself means that information is located in a single, unambiguous place.

69- During the trial, Bayne has argued that the rules guiding senators were ambiguous and unclear.

70- Expressed A type of acceptance that involves making an overt and unambiguous acceptance of the set conditions.

71- For these reasons, none of the ideas below are unambiguously or incontrovertibly self-refuting.

72- He articulates this distinction by pointing out that the common philosophical term 'reducible' is ambiguous.

73- He said the information gleaned from social media accounts so far has been ambiguous.

74- He tends to talk in an adult way and is portrayed as having an ambiguous sexuality (even though he is still an infant).

75- Here every symbol represents an unambiguous speech sound, but without going into any unnecessary detail.

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