51- Snowball No. 5: Even if gun control were a good thing, the Second amendment renders its achievement impossible.

52- So Bloomberg thinks he can buy your 2nd amendment Rights with a few bucks, So what are you going to do about it?

53- So why should I care if you are ready to throw away your 2nd amendment rights?

54- Some lawmakers debate whether the best way to legalize early voting is by a new law or a constitutional amendment.

55- Sony Pictures Entertainment is and always has been strongly committed to the First amendment.

56- Specter's amendment was rejected by a vote of 51-48.

57- Supporters of immigration reform didn't buy the argument that his amendment would make the bill better.

58- That can't pass constitutional muster under the First amendment.

59- That makes no sense, that takes away my First amendment," says Glasgow.

60- That's what the Fourth amendment says.'

61- That's the kind of financing plan referenced in the Clibborn amendment.

62- The 1st amendment doesn't say religion is free, it just says you're free to practice it.

63- The 2nd amendment counts, but the 14th amendment doesn't.

64- The 2nd amendment does not grant people the right to rise up against the government in armed revolt.

65- The 2nd amendment helps to keep us free and safe.

66- The amendment could drive more voter turnout in Crist's favor.

67- The amendment does not affect a District of Columbia law with one of the lightest U.S. penalties for pot possession.

68- The amendment passed, but Tancredo reneged.

69- The amendment prohibits any law from forcing Ohioans to participate in "a health care system."

70- The amendment received little attention in the press, which may have been due to the late hour it was offered.

71- The amendment still faces an uncertain journey through Congress before it can become law.

72- The amendment was co-sponsored by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.

73- The amendment, from Rep. David McKinley (R-W.

74- The case had been closely watched by tech companies and First amendment lawyers.

75- The Constitution's Sixth amendment guarantees the right to an attorney regardless of a suspect's ability to pay.

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