76- The Council for Islamic Ideology should be disbanded and removed through a constitutional amendment, she said.

77- The council has not voted on the amendment.

78- The Criminal Justice (Administration) (amendment) Act, 2015 makes provision for sentence reduction on guilty pleas.

79- The current amendment is endorsed by 46 Democrats and the two independents caucusing with the Democratic majority.

80- The defendants did not raise any First amendment claim.

81- The Eighth amendment does not prohibit the death penalty for crimes committed at age sixteen or seventeen.

82- The Eighth amendment to the Constitution of the United States prohibits that.

83- The First amendment forbids government from adopting laws that force citizens to betray their conscience.

84- The First amendment makes it legal, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

85- The First amendment must mean at least this.

86- The First amendment of the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and other basic rights.

87- The First amendment protects every organization's right to speak, but it never requires taxpayers to foot the bill."

88- The First amendment's free-speech right is not absolute.

89- The first is whether the 14th amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex.

90- The Fourth amendment guarantees a right to privacy.

91- The Fourth amendment was adopted to ensure the American people would not be subject to such broad searches.

92- The Law Council of Australia argued for an amendment to the bill to include a standalone public interest exception.

93- The measure was included as an amendment to a stop-gap federal spending measure which also easily passed the House.

94- The new law pulled Georgia education leaders into a Second amendment discussion they say they never wanted.

95- The NRA who uses the 2nd amendment for PROFITS over the death of people.

96- The Open Rights Group, which campaigns on issues of digital freedom, said the amendment was an "abuse of procedure".

97- The other is amendment 7, a constitutional amendment to raise your taxes for MoDOT.

98- The party says the charter would be similar to the US First amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech.

99- The proposed amendment does not mandate an affirmative action program or set a quota, Hernandez said.

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