51- Rather, they could go along and seek to add amendments to the bill.

52- Several amendments prohibit particular types of discrimination in voting.

53- She said she suspected pressure from food manufacturers had caused the amendments to be left out in the cold.

54- Simms said the Liberals supported the NDP motion to split the bill but made further amendments to the motion.

55- Sixteen Tory senators joined forces with the Liberals to approve amendments that gutted the bill.

56- So far, no specific amendments have been presented, just a new contract.

57- The amendments are in line with Russian laws but the punishments are even stiffer.

58- The amendments leave significant gray areas in the law.

59- The bill stalled because of disputes over the number and content of amendments to be considered.

60- The change is one of 13 amendments to the territory's Wildlife Regulations reached after two years of consultations.

61- The Committee may recommend amendments to the bill.

62- The Senate voted on amendments to the budget resolution on Friday afternoon and into the evening.

63- They are good amendments that would strengthen this bill.

64- They argued to strike down the Bigamy Acts of the time based on the First and fourth amendments.

65- They voted down amendments that would have sped up phase-ins as well as discounting tips from total compensation.

66- This is also why the Republic of China (ROC) Constitution cannot be made to fit Taiwan, despite several amendments.

67- This often means weighing in with my personal expertise on relevant bills, regulations, and, in this case, amendments."

68- To recall, on October 5, the National Assembly adopted the draft constitutional amendments with 104 "pros".

69- Two proposed constitutional amendments and one proposed statewide referendum are also on the ballot.

70- Voters in Arizona and Florida also approve similar amendments to their state constitutions.

71- We did see the government make some amendments to this particular bill before they started putting it through the house.

72- We have thus made this clear in our amendments,' he said.

73- We're not trying to block anybody's amendments.

74- You can debate what should be included in articles, and request amendments.

75- Young visitors learn about constitutional amendments, including the 13th Amendment, which formally abolished slavery.

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