76- Tara then confides in Elliot as to whether she should sign her contract or not.

77- The debate continues as to whether the country belongs on the list or not.

78- The Globe and Mail, Dec. 17., 2001. There has been speculation as to whether the men had advance knowledge of the attacks.

79- The group becomes even more divided as to whether to support the act or not.

80- The jury was out as to whether Sunday's debate would swing many votes.

81- The question has arisen as to whether such lone-wolf attacks will continue.

82- The question re-arose, as to whether South Africa was capable of maintaing the Division in the field.

83- The question then arises as to whether that invention would have been obvious or, conversely, inventive.

84- The statement did not elaborate as to whether this was homicide or suicide.

85- The Talmudists do not agree as to whether Joab left a son or not, as some identify the Joab of Ezra viii.

86- The witnesses were unclear as to whether she was already dead by this point.

87- There are ongoing discussions as to whether turning is a trade, craft, or an art form.

88- There exists a debate as to whether or not Erlitou culture was the site of the Xia dynasty.

89- There have been disputes over the sizes of the various immigrations, as well as to whether they were peaceful.

90- There is also some debate as to whether or not the old man's killer in Rats is a young Wallenquist.

91- There is dispute as to whether Corthaidh is a version of the Irish word for Rocks or is a person's name.

92- There is no official indication as to whether this is true, however.

93- There is some confusion as to whether 19 or 20 R engines were produced.

94- There is some discrepancy as to whether these semi-permanent tattoos are in fact "temporary tattoos" at all.

95- There only remains the question as to whether this principle of self-love can become a universal law of nature.

96- There seems to be some confusion as to whether they should be identified as municipal, town, city or county constables.

97- There was discussion as to whether the report was admissible in court.

98- They seek a determination as to whether the continued detentions of the appellants are illegal.

99- This has generated speculation as to whether the Seven Kingdoms have seen the last of Gregor Clegane.

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