26- I will soon come up with you.

27- I can't come up with a good excuse for being late for the dentist.

28- Where did he ever come up with the notion of opening a branch?

29- Where did you come up with the idea that I'm familiar with robotics and such I wonder?

30- I hope he will come up with a new and good idea.

31- After a six-month review of the program, analysts have come up with a number of recommendations for improving the system.

32- The heat is on the administration to come up with a new policy.

33- 'All we need these days is to have people who can come up with initiatives.

34- Alphabet CEO Larry Page said he read three naming books while trying to come up with his company's new moniker.

35- But apparently Moto thinks it's come up with the best solution yet.

36- For those families looking to crack the top 10 however, they'll have to come up with 22.4 billion.

37- I cannot believe so-called politicians can come up with this rubbish.

38- 'I don't know how you would come up with millions.'

39- In the worst case scenario, we will come up with a new form and structure,"" she said on Echo of Moscow radio."

40- Isozaki, for example, has called for Hadid to come up with a new design without the help of Japanese firms.

41- Let your imagination come up with an answer!

42- Our agents can come up with all kinds of solutions,"" she said."

43- Thanks for letting us sort through that sentence to come up with our own conclusions!

44- They come up with an idea, find funding, create a brand, and learn from trial and error.

45- To be honest, if it was me, I probably would have come up with a different name,"" Turbiville said."

46- To be effective in this area, the EU has to come up with an approach based on collective action.

47- Use your intuition to come up with the perfect thing.

48- Wouldn't I come up with different names if I was trying to multiple posts?

49- 'You take a lot of pride in your water and work hard to come up with good results.'

50- 'Defense finds a way to come up with two late turnovers.

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