51- EldadBalance mainly depends on the way liquid moves around in the three canals of the inner ear.

52- Whether we play tennis tomorrow depends on the weather.

53- The amount of time needed to cook a salmon depends on the thickness of the fish.

54- A Chinese proverb states, "The harvest of a whole year depends on what you sow in the springtime.

55- "Japan depends on other countries for oil.

56- The rate at which erosion of a sea cliff occurs depends on the durability of the rock and the degree to which the coast is exposed to attack by ocean waves.

57- The survival of many different species depends on government action.

58- Your success in the examination depends on how hard you study.

59- She depends on her parents for living expenses.

60- When indicating 'tense' in Chinese, as shown above, there are 'particles', 'timespecifying words' and also many cases where it depends on context.

61- She depends on her husband too much, she needs to get a job, and earn her own money.

62- Whether you succeed or not depends on your own efforts.

63- There is a Saudi Arabian proverb which states that a man's worth depends on his two smallest organs: his heart and his tongue.

64- Whether you succeed or not depends on how hard you study.

65- There is a Cambodian proverb which observes that the tiger depends on the forest, and the forest depends on the tiger.

66- Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.

67- He depends on his parents for his university fees.

68- My brother still depends on our parents for his living expenses.

69- Your progress in English depends on how hard you work.

70- Furthermore, if you live in the culture of your target language, you will learn even more quickly.

71- fussThe stability of a star depends on the relation between temperature and pressure.

72- A man's happiness depends on what he is rather than on what he has.

73- Success often depends on one's temperament.

74- He depends on his parents to support him while he is studying at university.

75- Japan depends on the Middle East for % of oil it consumes.

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