1- Besides being economical, it's fun.

2- It is important to think over what you will do, to pursue your studies economically, and effectively.

3- It is totally uneconomical to leave your debts on your credit card.

4- Even if you take out a loan to pay them off, you'll pay less interest.

5- I'm economically independent of my parents.

6- This part of the country is economically-depressed because of the collapse of the fishing industry.

7- Some people say that travel by air is rather economical.

8- A small car is more economical than a large one.

9- Azerbaijan must peacefully resolve its dispute with Armenia in order to allow the country to prosper economically.

10- Small cars are very economical because of their low fuel consumption.

11- BraveSentryHe is economically independent of his parents.

12- His economical backing is secure.

13- They closed down the ferry service since it was no longer economical.

14- Some people say that traveling by plane is rather economical.

15- More and more women have their own careers and are economically independent of their husbands.

16- A recent report shows that health conditions in this country compare favorably with those in other economically developed nations.

17- Since you have already also become an adult, you must become independent economically from your parents.

18- She is economical of her time.

19- Children are more expensive and less economically useful to parents in an urban society than in a rural one.

20- economically, Luxembourg is the most successful country in Europe.

21- Mrs.

22- Suzuki is a very economical housekeeper.

23- There is a Chinese proverb which observes that it is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.

24- Children are more expensive and less economically useful to parents in an urban society than in a rural one.

25- She is economically independent of her parents.

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