1- She is not so much a singer as an actress.

2- The singer's younger brother was thrust into the spotlight after appearing on stage with her and playing a couple of his own songs.

3- She cherishes a hope that she will be a singer some day.

4- Is she not a good French singer?

5- NekoKanjyasinger David Bowie changed his style a number of times throughout his career.

6- As soon as the singer began to sing the first verse of the national anthem, the entire crowd joined in.

7- Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once joked, "Next week there can't be any crisis.

8- My schedule is already full.

9- "She is booming as a singer.

10- A man who has been stalking singer Jennifer Lopez was arrested outside her home today.

11- I like the singer's voice, too.

12- marcelostockleActress Kim Basinger was sued by a movie company after she broke a contract to star in their movie.

13- My sister is a famous singer.

14- My favorite singer is THE ALFEE.

15- He had made good as a singer and he became very popular.

16- The singer Madonna once remarked, "I always thought of losing my virginity as a career move.

17- "singer Tom T.

18- Hall once suggested, "Make your melodies simple enough so that the average person can hum them.

19- "I love karaoke, but I'm not much of a singer.

20- He became a singer against his parents wishes.

21- He is the greatest singer that ever lived.

22- She is not so much an actress as a singer.

23- Because he is blind, singer Stevie Wonder signs all his contracts with a thumbprint.

24- She likes the singer.

25- The opera singer's voice soared above the sound of the orchestra.

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