26- The indescribable sting wrenched a high-pitched squeal from her throat[sentence dictionary], as she clutched the leather skirt which covered her burning seat.

27- There is an indescribable sense of community here.

28- The relief was indescribable. It was freedom after years of slavery. A great weight lifted from me.

29- I stood before the gate awhile and looked into the courtyard, breathing in garbage and sewer odors and another indescribable smell.

30- There is indescribable squalor in those books.

31- He felt an indescribable sensation somewhat akin to dread.

32- Alexander's disappointment was indescribable; he now thought that he would never again be able to have more than temporary relief.

33- Paige scarcely registered the momentary pain of his possession before spiralling waves of indescribable pleasure took her.

34- But the experience itself is essentially non-rational and indescribable.

35- The stench from the sewer is indescribable.

36- There is a space around it, an indescribable presence.

37- The pain was indescribable.

38- They use the excuse that their parent's generation had made indescribable accomplishments to justify today's dictatorship, grasping and protecting their privileges in a die-hard manner.

39- If one wastes this life in vain. then when the dream is over, one leaves the world empty-handed and undergoes indescribable suffering in the endless cycle of rebirth.30) The freshness of her beauty was indeed gone, its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remained.

40- The street itself was deserted, the narrow plots of grass between the buildings an indescribable confusion of shadowy thorns and weeds.

41- It was with indescribable relief that I received the news that President Roosevelt had been re - elected.

42- Then I skipped down the entry ladder with indescribable relief.

43- he breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.(7) The puma's twisted face continues to look at the blue sky with sightless eyes, Ah sweet divine and indescribable verdurous paradise planted in mid-air!

44- The sky, that had been so grey and lowering, was iridescent with indescribable beauty.

45- The chaos and confusion was indescribable.

46- They suffered from pains in the head or indescribable sensations of uneasiness in the bowels.

47- It is merely the sight of a small head bowed over the pages that gives me indescribable joy.

48- I woke up on the day after my wedding with a feeling of indescribable joy.

49- But then she thought of the indescribable happiness she had known with him.

50- I felt a sense of indescribable relief.

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