51- If necessary, I will come soon.

52- The day will come when we can travel to the moon.

53- Food prices will come down soon, won't they?

54- Your dream of becoming a baseball player will come true if you try hard.

55- Big events will come to pass.

56- There is little hope that she will come on time.

57- Let me know the time when he will come .

58- The question is whether he will come on time.

59- EldadIt is probable that she will come tomorrow.

60- He is at work now, but will come back at seven.

61- I don't know for certain when he will come .

62- He will come nine cases out of ten.

63- He will come back soon.

64- He says he will come .

65- Perhaps she will come tomorrow.

66- Rain or shine, I will come to meet you at the station.

67- The prices will come down.

68- I don't know whether he will come or not.

69- Philip Chesterfield once suggested that those who aim for perfection will come much nearer to it than those whose despondency and laziness make them give it up as unattainable.

70- I wonder when he will come next time.

71- I will come by all means.

72- In the first place, no harm will come to us even if we try.

73- He will come to the station by bus.

74- I firmly believe that your time will come .

75- I have an idea she will come today.

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