26- Patton once said that you need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals.

27- tumbleGeorge Steiner once said that the most important tribute any human being can pay to a poem or a piece of prose he or she really loves is to learn it by heart.

28- George Washington Carver once stated that how far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong George Bernard Shaw once said that the only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself.

29- George Washington once stated that few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.

30- It was George that I met in the street this morning.

31- CNGeorge Mikes once said, "I have made it a rule that whenever I say something stupid, I immediately attribute it to Dr.

32- Johnson, Marcus Aurelius or Dorothy Parker.

33- "John Kerry and George W.

34- Bush will confront each other in their first public debate this evening.

35- George Jean Nathan once noted that bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.

36- George has a good lead on a job at a computer firm.

37- President George W.

38- Bush promised that his government would retaliate for the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

39- George Herbert once remarked that there is great force hidden in a gentle command.

40- Football coach George Allen once remarked that winning is the science of being totally prepared.

41- George is a very controversial leader, due to his outspoken manner.

42- George Bernard Shaw once remarked that the liar's punishment is that he cannot believe anyone else.

43- George John Nathan once remarked that no man can think clearly when his fists are clenched.

44- Speaking of the terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center, President George Bush said "This government will make sure that the people who conducted these acts, and those who harbor them will be held accountable for their actions.

45- "George Bernard Shaw once remarked that the test of a man or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel.

46- George Washington Carver once observed that we get closer to God as we get more intimately and understandingly acquainted with the things He has created.

47- George Bernard Shaw once said that the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.

48- George V once observed, "I have many times asked myself whether there can be more potent advocates of peace upon earth through the years to come than this massed multitude of silent witnesses to the desolatGeorge Moore once stated that the world is dying of machinery, that is the great disease, that is the plague that will sweep away and destroy civilization, man will have to rise against it sooner or later.George W.

49- Bush led the U.

50- S.

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