1- Acting in culturally approved ways serves to affirm people's self-worth.

2- Everything bad that has happened in the last week simply serves to affirm my previous negative opinion of the guy.

3- He told her their families had a loose business affiliation.

4- It was true enough, they were both Mafia.

5- affirmThese are fruits of the urban civilization Gilgamesh came to affirm.

6- For this reason, nothing, Palestinians affirm, has changed for them.

7- He affirmed his innocence.

8- I affirmed that he was innocent.

9- He affirmed that he saw the crash.

10- He affirmed himself to be innocent.

11- He affirmed the truth of her statement.

12- The page states, "DNA studies cannot be used decisively to either affirm or reject the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon."

13- I hope we will see more willingness from the Judicial Branch to affirm the separation of powers that is so fundamental to our government.'

14- Moran says they don't believe the court took the case to affirm the lower courts' position, therefore, he says, they are cautiously optimistic.

15- They affirm Sita's purity and ask him to end this terrible test.

16- Therefore it is not possible to affirm that the story is about Howland.

17- 8. Family support programs affirm parenting to be a life-long learning process.

18- We affirm that with God's help people are not powerless to affect their destiny.

19- This important work was the first to affirm the apostolic authority of the clergy.

20- Therefore, the Apostolic Assembly admonishes its members to affirm loyalty to their country.

21- Documents dating to 1767 affirm that Tavolara had never been a part of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

22- Proceedings The Court's main purpose is to affirm or overturn lower court rulings on points of law.

23- And due to the lack of a plebiscite to affirm such a change, RA 8528 was therefore unconstitutional.

24- We affirm that both Israeli and Diaspora Jewry should remain vibrant and interdependent communities.

25- Also in 2, Wang Mang decided to have his daughter married to Emperor Ping to further affirm his position.

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