1- Not everyone can afford expensive gold accessories .

2- I can't afford a car.

3- Can we afford a new car?

4- I cannot afford the time.

5- I can't afford to buy it.

6- I can't afford a new car.

7- I cannot afford a holiday.

8- He cannot afford to marry.

9- He can't afford a new car.

10- I can't afford a new coat.

11- I can not afford to buy it.

12- He cannot afford a holiday.

13- I can't afford to buy that.

14- I can't afford to buy a car.

15- Everyone can't afford a car.

16- Reading affords us pleasure.

17- I'm not sure I can afford it.

18- I cannot afford to buy a car.

19- He cannot afford to buy a car.

20- I can't afford to play tennis.

21- I cannot afford to keep a car.

22- I can not afford to keep a car.

23- I can't afford to buy a new car.

24- I cannot afford a long vacation.

25- I, who am poor, cannot afford it.

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