1- In an affluent society most people have a high standard of living.

2- With the post-1960s shift in values, religion is experiencing an increasing level of disestablishment, especially among the affluent young.

3- Moorestown is an affluent suburb about 10 miles east of Philadelphia.

4- It is rather part of the affluent residential district of Wilmersdorf.

5- Workers at the firm were affluent, with a median income of $125,000 to $150,000.

6- For restaurants that cater to less affluent customers, this may be a wild dream.

7- But the all-out production is causing serious pain inside less affluent OPEC members.

8- Bacani spends six days a week cooking, cleaning and babysitting for an affluent Chinese family.

9- More adults in deprived areas are registered with an NHS dentist than adults in affluent areas.

10- But not so long ago, it enjoyed a reputation as a playground for the world's most affluent tourists.

11- Theresa Turchin and her husband Tommy found space near a popular restaurant that drew affluent people.

12- The grasping acquisitiveness of an affluent society were a further shock.

13- The investors - institutions and affluent individuals - are limited partners.

14- These organizations were primarily sponsored by affluent women.

15- The institute conducts extensive research on affluent consumer behaviors .

16- It seems clear that he was affluent .

17- I have never been affluent or extremely popular.

18- The more affluent classes also had their own educational institutions.

19- Democrats love tax expenditures for the less affluent .

20- Thompson polled a bare majority of affluent whites.

21- Today it is an affluent commuter town.

22- Kano was born into a relatively affluent family.

23- His route went through a relatively affluent part of town .

24- The car is aimed mostly at young, affluent urban buyers.

25- Each club represents an affluent , growing city.

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