1- Her affectionate letter moved me.

2- He sent me an affectionate letter.

3- The girl squeezed her doll affectionately.

4- Find someone who is an affectionate person.

5- affiliateOur dog is very affectionate, and will sit at our feet for hours.

6- My father was no less affectionate and tender to me than my mother was.

7- Our cat is very affectionate, and will sit on your lap and purr for hours.

8- The mother looked affectionately at her son as he sat drawing pictures at the table.

9- The old man kissed his wife affectionately before leaving the house for his daily walk.

10- He is very affectionate in public, and it totally embarrasses his girlfriend, who is quite shy.

11- Like human babies, infant chimpanzees need affectionate physical contact for healthy development.

12- My mother wasn't very affectionate with us kids when I was young, so I'm not used to hugging and stuff.

13- The old woman kissed her husband affectionately and stroked his hair as he lay dying in the hospital bed.

14- The word "gazelle" comes from the Arabic word for affectionate, and it is believed to be inspired by the creature's large, gentle eyes.

15- It's a blunt prayer addressed to the father, whom he affectionately calls Abba.

16- 775496 There are couples out there where one person is more affectionate than the other."

17- Keep being affectionate and let him know there is no pressure to get to the 'finish line.'

18- 302780 Holland, affectionately known as Father Jim, was worried it might be one of his last.

19- She was incredibly affectionate when she wanted to be, but she spent most of her time in solitude.

20- Lentz is very affectionate and understanding with the young Syrians but remains strict in rehearsals.

21- His teachers recently spoke affectionately about him as an exceptionally polite and competent student.

22- Bo is very affectionate and happy happy happy.

23- He is very sweet and affectionate little boy.

24- People here are very warm and affectionate .

25- We had no idea reptiles were affectionate .

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