26- And smart female cats are usually not overly affectionate .

27- Ranma always became more affectionate after sex.

28- They are extremely sweet and affectionate towards their master.

29- Pam is such a sweet and affectionate girl!

30- Copper is smart and affectionate and loves attention.

31- The couple were playful and affectionate on stage.

32- Love to play and are very affectionate .

33- He was an affectionate father and husband.

34- They are a social and affectionate small parrot.

35- An affectionate portrait of a genuine hero .

36- Pepper is a very affectionate and loving girl.

37- This friendly, affectionate behaviour is often extended to humans.

38- Andrew has become a happy, affectionate dog.

39- He is very physically affectionate , always hugging me.

40- Both are polite , alert and affectionate .

41- They are lively, active and affectionate .

42- But others, more spontaneously affectionate , are remembered very positively.

43- The camp latrines were given affectionate names.

44- Ponies are usually friendly and intelligent & quite affectionate .

45- It's an affectionate bond he shares.

46- He aimed a softly affectionate punch at her arm.

47- There is nothing respectful, understanding or affectionate about page three.

48- They are lovely, affectionate cats and need a home together.

49- She is very affectionate and loves to sit on laps.

50- Super personality, he is a fun & affectionate boy!

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