1- Live in affluence.

2- The affluence of the United States is often contrasted with the poverty of undeveloped countries.

3- current technological developments, it is possible to foresee a future in which a significant portion of the world's population can live in relative affluence.

4- Fewer people also translates into a reduced potential for growth and less affluence.

5- Many sections of society experienced austerity rather than affluence .

6- The 1990s also saw another influx of affluence .

7- These tiers are ranked in order of affluence .

8- This affluence was disproportionately concentrated in southeast England.

9- affluence and comfort dull the optic nerve.

10- In the U.S. poverty and affluence has become very geographically concentrated.

11- Is the situation similar for survivors in affluence urban areas?

12- Budapest is a city of contrasts, affluence alongside poverty.

13- affluence the level focuses the acid's pharmaceutical museum.

14- affluence in the study was determined by yearly income.

15- I really think Parker's affluence is showing.

16- To hint at your success and affluence ?

17- Born to the prospect of such affluence !

18- It is a Cairo of wealthy suburbs and western consumer affluence .

19- The richness of his prose style implied a larger American affluence .

20- With increasing affluence , their political significance grew especially in Syria.

21- There is a link between asthma and the degree of affluence .

22- They preach prosperity at every gathering and they leave in affluence .

23- As much as possible, avoid the appearance of affluence .

24- Crime rose in line with the golden curve of affluence .

25- The affluence of modern-day continental Europe is open to inspection.

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