1- This sort of structure is called a double negative, but in effect it shows affirmation.

2- The third and final song offers a shimmering affirmation of the love of nature.

3- And an endorsement for a Bush could be construed as affirmation for Jeb Bush by proxy.

4- All MPs have to either swear an oath, or a non-religious affirmation, in order to take their seats.

5- 'Every month, I get affirmation of his life, of his service,' Krumbach said, 'and everything he did.'

6- Testimony means statements taken under oath or affirmation .

7- The third affirmation is to maintain physical cleanliness.

8- There is little affirmation , little uplifting.

9- Its deepest pleasures involve a kind of self affirmation .

10- Would a circuit court affirmation be more persuasive?

11- This is what is known as positive affirmation .

12- How does correction fit in with affirmation ?

13- Provide encouragement and affirmation throughout the process.

14- More frequent affirmation will help everyone stay on task.

15- My pride pleads for affirmation of success.

16- The aristocratic attitude, hints of real affirmation .

17- But the man's reply was affirmation .

18- Love taken as emotional satisfaction, as affirmation .

19- Finally that great affirmation Space is an entity.

20- You could begin a ministry of affirmation .

21- The attack on the ascetic ideal is concerned with affirmation .

22- Alternate opening and closing your eyes with each affirmation .

23- Perhaps you use visualization or affirmation exercises.

24- Be prepared to provide reciprocal support and affirmation in return.

25- No affirmation of religious faith is required by the patient.

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