1- The central unit of Maasai society is the age-set .

2- Authority derives from the age-group and the age-set .

3- Women are also excluded from most features of the highly elaborated age-set system.

4- Gerald Lucas Mollel is a young Maasai of the warrior age-set .

5- The Chagga also circumcised boys and initiated them into age-sets of the typical old Bantu type.

6- Another stratification system based just as exclusively on ascribed status attributes is characteristic of what are known as age-set societies.

7- This involves most boys between 12 and 25, who have reached puberty and are not part of the previous age-set .

8- Here the avoidance between men of an age-set and their daughters is altogether more intense than in any other sexual avoidance.

9- cy Foner in Ages in Conflict , have shown how in non-Western societies this struggle for rewards and power may be openly organized through recognized age-sets .

10- During the rituals for initiation into each successive age-set the 'true' meanings of certain sacred objects are revealed and it transpires that the interpretations given at the previous stage were false or partiThis impact was most notable in borrowed loan words, adoption of the practice of circumcision and the cyclical system of age-set organisation.

11- They organise and identity themselves by age-set i.e. a group of boys who were circumcised at the same time.

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