1- Its urban agglomeration has approximately 450 thousand residents.

2- The situation has clearly become a messy agglomeration .

3- The agglomeration of Kathmandu has not yet been officially defined.

4- An example of passive agglomeration economies are growth points or growth centres.

5- A plan was put forth to develop "centers of agglomeration ".

6- Artificial surfactant has been found to greatly reduce this particulate agglomeration .

7- Another list defines megacities as urban agglomerations instead of metropolitan areas.

8- The beneficial economies of agglomeration result from the processes in clusters.

9- agglomeration can be encouraged through the creation of special economic zones.

10- Data are presented for agglomerations of 750,000 or more inhabitants.

11- Another estimated 350,000 people live in the immediate urban agglomeration .

12- The agglomerations of these cities are the most populous areas.

13- Rural agglomerations are a collection of a number of villages.

14- Once dust agglomerations begin to grow, their subsequent growth becomes easier.

15- PAE can create agglomeration economies, but lack institutional support.

16- Steinbach is the third fastest growing census agglomeration in Canada.

17- People located in cities are more productive than those working outside dense agglomerations .

18- Further agglomeration leads to the formation of a new lattice plane.

19- Several smaller agglomerations developed within the area of Angústias.

20- These so-called " agglomerations " could be seen in several different patterns.

21- This agglomeration produced more than 30% of Russian oil by 1916.

22- The challenge in making a supported nanoparticulate catalyst is to avoid agglomeration .

23- It is the future beating heart of the Oranian agglomeration .

24- By this time the most important factor was agglomeration diseconomies.

25- There are further agglomerations in the north-east and east of Preston.

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