1- The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £5.2 million.

2- For 2014, an individual's status as a variable hour employee cannot be based on employer expectations regarding aggregate turnover .

3- perceived by consumers as equivalent do not represent more than 5 per cent of the total market in an area of the EC affected by the agreement and the aggregate turnover of the participants in the respective group does not exceed 200 million ecu (£130 million), EC competition rules will not apply.

4- CECOP - CICOPA Europe members affiliate approximately 50,000 enterprises employing 1.5 million workers and generating an aggregate turnover of around €50 billion.

5- No European computer company ranked among the world 'top ten' in 1986; and IBM's turnover was greater than the aggregate turnover of the next g companies.

6- Mergers with a Community dimension are defined as those where the parties have an aggregate turnover in excess of ECU 5 bn, and where at least two of those parties have a Community turnover greater than ECU 250 m.

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