1- This aggregation of data is called behavioral targeting.

2- Electronic computers have expedited more elaborate statistical computation even as they have facilitated the collection and aggregation of data .

3- To reach the goal, GIS4EU identifies a complete workflow and technical means required for harmonization and aggregation of data .

4- How EHRs will handle this bundling and aggregation of data is another problem: It is as if procedures will have to be bundled and unbundled many times, within a treatment plan, within a database, and within tHowever, since the calculation of P(A) requires the aggregation of data across subjects and each subject only rates 30 of the 60 stimuli it is not possible to calculate average correlations in this case.

5- On the other side - such an extreme aggregation of data always includes the risk to loose or ignore important pieces of information.

6- safeguards, including technical and organisational measures to ensure functional separation, such as full or partial anonymisation, pseudonymisation,aggregation of data , and privacy-enhancing technologies (see further in Section III.2).

7- Additionally, FracFocus should amend its "terms of use" to eliminate restrictions on sharing and aggregation of data on the site.

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