1- Dry pigments are available commercially in the form of solid agglomerates .

2- The current population of Pune urban agglomerate is over 5 million.

3- Kenya's population agglomerates tribes, cultures, religions and languages.

4- As the agglomerates grow larger, they settle into a collector.

5- There is a local appearance of agglomerate and pumice.

6- Any ash in which they are very abundant is called an agglomerate .

7- Furthermore, adding surfactant enhances the dispersion of the agglomerates .

8- A high quality colloidal silver has ionic silver that does not readily agglomerate .

9- Finer-grained soils tend to retain soil moisture and agglomerate into clumps.

10- Traditional pyrolysis often results in aggregates and agglomerates rather than single primary particles.

11- In the northern and the southern squares, the architecture is densely agglomerated .

12- agglomerates act as stress concentration sites which reduce the overall strength of nanocomposites.

13- Donetsk and the surrounding territories are heavily urbanised and agglomerated into conurbation.

14- Once contact is made, dust particulates and water droplets combine to form agglomerates .

15- Nanopowders are agglomerates of ultrafine particles, nanoparticles, or nanoclusters.

16- The material tends to agglomerate or build up on the vessel walls pack together.

17- Many nanoparticles agglomerate or aggregate when they are placed in environmental or biological fluids.

18- The Les Rouaux agglomerate also contains pumice.

19- Champagne corks are built from several sections and are referred to as agglomerated corks.

20- The large agglomerates formed in the venturi are then removed by an inertial separator.

21- In many materials, atoms or molecules agglomerate together to form objects at the nanoscale.

22- Ice on lakes is generally four types: Primary, secondary, superimposed and agglomerate .

23- A small piece of volcanic agglomerate was dredged from 400 fathoms on the north slope.

24- Coarser-grained soils tend to be free-flowing and do not agglomerate into clumps.

25- Its agglomerated urban area extends from the Cávado River to the Este River.

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