1- An aggregate investment involved is estimated PHP 1.202 billion.

2- Discuss the influence of changes in interest rates on aggregate investment in the United Kingdom.

3- The aggregate investment curve.

4- Last year 's numbers show that listed manufacturing companies made aggregate investments of over Rs 3.1 lakh crore in new fixed assets.

5- At the end of 1987, aggregate investment trust assets amounted to 15.5bn and the number of trusts to about 160.

6- A general fall in aggregate investment may lead to a rise in unemployment and so contribute to the phenomenon of 'stagflation'.

7- When our model is rerun under the dynamic assumption that marginal tax rate changes alter aggregate investment , employment, and economic activity, the model estimates that the negative impact of the phase-out depresses the labor supply by more than the phase-The OSC concept framework limits individual investments in a particular issuer to $2,500 and caps aggregate investments at $10,000 per individual in a given 12-month period.

8- What will be the equilibrium level of aggregate investment if the real interest rate is (a) 15 percent, (b) 10 percent, and (c) 5 percent?

9- More recent data on aggregate investment and the average yield on debentures again show little correlation during the past twenty years or so.

10- C is aggregate consumption expenditure in time period t, I is aggregate investment in period t, Y is aggregate income in period t, and e is a disturbance (error) term with mean zero and constant variance.

11- If decisions by individual company management reduce the reliability of audited financial statements as a whole, aggregate investment may be misallocated even if any individual company is acting in the best interest of its shareholders.

12- In order to conclude that domestic aggregate investment declines, one must show that the increase in domestic outflows is not offset by a rise in foreign inflows.

13- The data for real aggregate investment are employed in longer period, from 1965 to 2005. 7 The Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM) is used to construct the domestic capital stock.

14- Real aggregate investment is calculated as RGDPL*POP*KI, where RGDPL is the real GDP by Laspeyres rule, and KI is the investment share of real GDP.

15- The database employed for output, aggregate investment and labor is the PWT (version 6.3) (Heston et al. (2009)), which provides a panel across 79 countries over our period of interest.

16- such as call in loans rather than create new loans.) This caused the money supply to shrink and the economy to contract and a significant decrease in aggregate investment .

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