26- The doors are intricately carved with Mayan motifs stained glass windows set the rooms aglow with understated colors.

27- Despite previous failures, the prevalence of stroke and the dearth of effective treatments keep research efforts aglow .

28- He proclaimed triumphantly, pulling himself up to his full five foot six inches, his face aglow .

29- Many patients who visit Dr. Strachan of aglow Dermatology in New York don't smoke.

30- The night was aglow with candles and the silky white sand found its way in between my toes.

31- Outside the boutiques were still aglow with heaps of motley flung about the feet of the disdainful assistants.

32- She sat up in the bed, dumbstruck, her face aglow as if lit from the inside.

33- You are just aglow .

34- At aglow Dermatology in New York City, we understand how important beautiful, healthy skin can be.

35- For a consultation and treatment with Juvederm, call aglow Dermatology today at 212-627-1004.

36- The light we thought was out, had in fact been kept aglow - by loyal fans across the globe!

37- After all, you wouldn't continue driving your car with the oil pressure light aglow now would you?

38- See the historic buildings aglow , listen to the Musical in the 1848 "Church in the Wildwood".

39- The video that Steve linked showed a smart aleck kid all aglow from undue praise and publicity after telling Pres .

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