26- As an agnostic , I feared not death.

27- As always, I remain agnostic on the matter.

28- Laplace in his last years has been described as an agnostic .

29- He has described himself as an atheist or an agnostic .

30- He became an agnostic at the age of 14.

31- He has gone back and forth about whether he is agnostic .

32- You would consider me an atheist or agnostic .

33- Channel agnostic ideas are the most modern ideas in our industry.

34- Only independents and the politically agnostic seem to understand their arguments .

35- Most gun manufacturers , meanwhile, are agnostic on the issue.

36- Black sheep agnostic Democrat from a conservative Catholic family .

37- But does that make me an agnostic ?

38- But I think I 'm fairly brand agnostic .

39- Rashad says she is an agnostic atheist.

40- In between is Lee J. Cobb's agnostic physician.

41- Kluwe is a libertarian and describes himself as "cheerfully agnostic .

42- Although he was brought up a Catholic, as a teenager he experimented with Zen and other alternative religions, before becoming a committed agnostic.

43- MT: Well, I'm an atheist/agnostic, so I would say none.

44- I am also atheist or agnostic (I don't even know the difference).

45- NoTA core is physical interconnect agnostic and hence replacing e.g.

46- In these agnostic and cynical times, the building becomes a place to feel and even believe.

47- It is resource-agnostic and can manage any type of resource, including device and file handles.

48- This twofold force he opposed to the viewpoint of the agnostic, the rationalist, the mere worldling.

49- At one end of the spectrum there are night clubs named after Khayyám and he is seen as a agnostic hedonist.

50- Those who experience cognitive dissonance become either "very flexible and agnostic" or "very rigid and schizophrenic."

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