51- Huge flames were already licking at the roof of the house when the firemen arrived.

52- Ah, the phone card's already running out.

53- .

54- See you in half an hour.

55- I arrived at the stadium at p.

56- m.

57- , but the game had already started.

58- I can't afford to buy a car.

59- I'm already in debt from paying for university.

60- In fact, the sea has already risen centimeters since the beginning of this century.

61- Scavengers, such as vultures, like to steal the already dead prey of other predators.

62- Buddhism teaches that the potential to become a Buddha is already contained within us.

63- My sister exchanged the toaster we gave her for Christmas because she already had one.

64- The new manager is already developing a reputation for briskness in getting things done.

65- The forest fire was already burning fiercely when fire crews arrived to battle the blaze.

66- The suspect already had a rape charge pending against him when he was arrested for murder.

67- The machine is working at maximum capacity, so we can't go any faster than we already are.

68- Thank you very much if the shipment has already been made and please disregard this inquiry.

69- You'll have to put that stuff in the back seat of the car because the trunk is already full.

70- I invited the Iqbals for supper tomorrow, but they had already made plans to go to the movies.

71- Alex is a clever 14-year-old who already gets paid to help people with their computer probleMs. Robert Anthony once said that if you act as if you have already achieved your goal, it is yours.

72- There is a German proverb which states that he who listens to a proposition is already half sold.

73- He who thinks himself already too wise to learn from others will never succeed in doing anything.

74- I switch on my laptop, start up the browser, and type in the address I've already learnt by heart.

75- I've already had the entrance ceremony.

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