26- He and Mary Anne alternated between Hughenden and several homes in London for the remainder of their marriage.

27- Once again, she alternated between carrier planeguard services and gunline duties through the end of the month.

28- Hancock alternated with Ranger and Kitty Hawk on Yankee Station until 10 May 1971, when she was relieved by Midway.

29- Flag With eleven stripes, six green and five yellow, alternated, the yellow with the superior (top) edge indented forming a stairway.

30- Bid-a-Note: The host read a clue to a song and the contestants alternated bidding as to how few notes they needed to identify the song.

31- 929199 As a compromise, Brussels and The Hague alternated as capital every two years, with the government remaining in The Hague. 11.538

32- Racing alternated between Friday and Wednesday nights for the first five seasons before permanently running on Wednesday nights in 1975.

33- The early Chaplains alternated duties with their Senate counterparts on a weekly basis, covering the House one week and the Senate the next.

34- The White team of mostly first team players that alternated Jennings and Harris at quarterback beat the Purple team 42-14.

35- Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia - who are bitter political enemies - have alternated from government to opposition for most of the past two decades.

36- The breaking balls alternated between totally fooling hitters when they were located well to totally abusing catchers when they came up well short.

37- Verses may be alternated with choruses, or put in the third of 4 repetitions to create an AABA form with the verse as the bridge.

38- It appears that Hannibal had already figured out that the command of the Roman army alternated, and planned his strategy accordingly.

39- These were alternated by Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who led triumphant choruses as she danced round the idol which perched on the camel.

40- Before the War of the Triple Alliance, the Conservative and Liberal parties had alternated in local power, following the national tendency.

41- For the remainder of the Korean War Hector alternated repair service along the Korean coast and in Japan with normal duty out of Long Beach.

42- Returning to Bon Homme Richard the next day, the guided-missile destroyer alternated planeguard duties with "Sea Dragon" patrols through 12 July.

43- We alternated in cleaning the room. luca

44- During the trip, John and I alternated driving the car.

45- We alternated with each other in driving the car.

46- Coolpop also alternated theme weekends every other weekend.

47- We alternated two hours of work and ten minutes of rest.

48- So, he alternated his military duties with his public performances and TV performances.

49- In Commander, the roles are reversed, the player is now the native of the alternated world.

50- Harsch alternated his coverage from Washington with Clifton Utley, who reported from Chicago.

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