51- The single kept on alternating between number 13 and number 15 for the next seven weeks.

52- The two opposing sides act in alternating turns so that each party can move once and/or attack once a turn.

53- The typical Byzantine construction method of alternating layers of stone and brick is clearly visible.

54- Then the background keeps alternating between the restroom & the house.

55- These were the first suburban trains in Sydney fitted with a multiphase alternating current traction system.

56- They are placed on alternating points, one row back from the edge of where the river would be in Chinese chess.

57- This causes waves of alternating advantage to converge in the center of the field.

58- This is done on alternating sides, creating two bloody areas.

59- This leads to a growing circle of alternating layers of filler and metal.

60- This may be achieved through dynamic exercises which utilize lighter weight and alternating repetition patterns.

61- This starts him off on a spiral of anxiety, alternating between stern authority figure, and laid-back buddy.

62- WKBC is licensed to broadcast at 1,000 watts in the daytime and alternating power during the late night hours.

63- The collar is composed of gold knots alternating with enamelled medallions showing a rose encircled by the Garter.

64- 696776 In March, she began alternating between local evolutions and upkeep in her home port until late May. 0.7834

65- Rural for the most part, the landscape along the road includes rolling hills of alternating open pastures and trees.

66- The expanses of blank wall include a series of alternating brick planes and sculptural panels by artist Allie Tennant.

67- This dorsal crest consists of white and black spines arranged in alternating groups of two or three of the same color.

68- In 1887, Tesla filed a number of patents related to a competing form of power distribution known as alternating current.

69- Each side places 58 cups in 9 alternating rows of 8 and 7 cups, and fills the cups with the appropriate amount of liquid.

70- Hughie denies her request and keeps on sailing, alternating between kindness and bouts of rage as he attempts to charm Rae.

71- Analysis No. 1 in F major This piece contains 5 sections, alternating between a staccato march and flowing legato passages.

72- 288231 In DRIE of polymers, Bosch process with alternating steps of SF 6 etching and C 4 F 8 passivation take place. 29.2953

73- Chemically, beauvericin is a cyclic hexadepsipeptide with alternating methyl- phenylalanyl and hydroxy-iso-valeryl residues.

74- Thicker samples can be produced by cycling gases in a similar manner to alternating with oppositely charged polymers in LbL.

75- Linga Purana and Mahabharata record the birth of Pururavas, but do not narrate the end of Ila's alternating gender condition.

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