26- My children's bedroom has toys scattered all over the place.

27- I like to have a fulllength mirror in my bedroom.

28- The man was found dead in his bedroom in the morning.

29- The house has a beautiful spiral staircase leading up to the bedrooms on the second floor.

30- Find someone who has a framed picture of a family member in her/his bedroom.

31- frameworkShe smiled alluringly at her lover, and walked towards the bedroom.

32- I was woken up in the night by the sound of hail hitting the bedroom window.

33- Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once remarked that the government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

34- He lives in a huge mansion which has 10 bedrooms and gold-plated kitchen and bathroom fixtures.

35- He came downstairs out of the bedroom for breakfast.

36- The bedroom curtains have faded at the edges.

37- My little brother keeps sneaking into my bedroom to take my comic books when I'm not there.

38- The old man suddenly became aware that someone was trying to open his bedroom window.

39- I share a bedroom with my sister.

40- It took them quite a while to peel the old wallpaper off the walls of their bedroom.

41- The main bedroom is just down the hall.

42- I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.

43- Please write a one-page essay describing your bedroom.

44- I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window.

45- The mother scooped her baby up, and carried her into the bedroom.

46- Now that our daughter has grown up and moved away, we're planning on converting her bedroom into an office.

47- The bedroom is chilly.

48- Did you leave the window open?We've just finished converting one of the bedrooms in our house into a playroom for the children.

49- My daughter put little stars on the ceiling of her bedroom, and they would glow for over an hour after the light had been turned out.

50- The detective traced the footprints from the scene of the crime to the butler's bedroom.

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