51- Millions of elderly Americans suffer from the debilitating effects of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

52- More than 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for these patients and others with dementia, the association said.

53- Of the 246 people with moderate levels of cynicism, 13 were diagnosed with dementia during the study.

54- Of those with dementia, 27 percent died within a year.

55- One in three people over 65 will develop a form of dementia.

56- One out of three people at age 85 has dementia and this is not even cause for general alarm.'

57- One reason is that you may find out your cognitive problems are not related to dementia at all.

58- One way is through dementia, but it can manifest in other ways such as depression, anxiety or trouble sleeping."

59- Other risks include osteoporosis, anemia, stomach infection, muscle loss and dementia.

60- READ MORE The Making of Mark Twain My dementia Gerda Saunders, Slate Telling who I am before I forget.

61- Rising Tide: The Impact of dementia on Canada.

62- She sadly passed away from a chest infection after suffering from dementia, last Friday.

63- Simple changes in behavior become a simple way to intervene and perhaps stop the process of dementia before it starts.

64- Some of the rise over the last few decades may also be attributable to a better understanding of dementia.

65- That meant moving her from an independent unit that cost $3,000 a month, to a dementia unit that cost $6,000.

66- The average ex-player being diagnosed with moderate dementia is expected to be 77 with four years in the NFL.

67- The best known ones are memory disturbance, dementia and severe psychosis.

68- The dementia care journey is an ongoing adult education in mindfulness and love.

69- The former Labour peer, 87, who has dementia, denies allegations of abuse in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

70- The global cost of dementia in 2010 (the latest year for which data are available) was estimated at $604 billion.

71- The people who later developed dementia started out with low levels of the lipids, compared to the other participants.

72- The survey will involve people of 65 years old or over who do not have dementia.

73- The U.S. National Library of Medicine has more about dementia.

74- Watertown and the state of Minnesota are helping lead the push nationally for communities to become "dementia friendly."

75- What are your experiences around dementia and care?

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