51- PKZIP could now create archives of the following types: ZIP, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, UUencoded, XXencoded.

52- Rotary sensors with a single output are not encoders and cannot sense direction, but can sense RPM.

53- Standard binary encoding Rotary encoder for angle-measuring devices marked in 3-bit binary.

54- The ability to read German encoded military messages was of inestimable help to the Allies in winning the war.

55- The ambiguity characters were designed to encode positional variations found among families of related genes.

56- The control tokens can be used to encode communication protocols.

57- The D. discoideum genome is noteworthy because its many encoded proteins are commonly found in fungi, plants, and animals.

58- The gene for CCM2 encodes a novel protein named malcavernin that contains a phosphotyrosine (PTB) binding domain.

59- The latest clips are now encoded in Flash video for better platform delivery.

60- The micro-ops are RISC-like; that is, they encode an operation, two sources, and a destination.

61- The only difference is that you get a free (although encoded) copy of Invision Power Board to use on the website.

62- The prediction generated is then subtracted from the actual sample to be encoded to generate the error value.

63- The run length encoder input The second step is to describe the structure of the output.

64- The secret may be encoded as any single coordinate of the point of intersection.

65- The symbol systems by which messages are encoded grow more complex as a society evolves.

66- The symbols are encoded in Unicode at positions U+2648 to U+2653.

67- The variants are encoded by the HLA DQ genes and are the result of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP).

68- The video must be encoded in the 16:9 format with the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec.

69- There is no way to know which way the encoder turned; if it was 00->01->11, or 00->10->11.

70- They demoed it showing its capability to play back high definition encoded video on a PDA screen.

71- This block is intended to encode all shapes of runic letters.

72- This gene is composed of 5 exons which encode a protein that is 658 amino acids in length.

73- This is important because the nucleotide excision repair pathway is a mechanism thought to be encoded by a caretaker gene.

74- This species is also part of the encode comparative sequencing project.

75- This understanding was encoded into their genes by the mysterious Brain Boyz.

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