1- God remains in absolute control , as He always has been.

2- Pages He's my brother absolute control is invisible.

3- The Chans ' absolute control is very appealing.

4- Clarke and Arthur clearly want absolute control over their players .

5- But God has this absolute control .

6- You are in control; not absolute control , but fairly decent control.

7- They desire absolute control and mastery over any colony resulting from the mission.

8- In spite of our best efforts this process is never under our absolute control .

9- Rickover retained this absolute control over nuclear candidate selection until his retirement in 1982.

10- Ride like a fighter pilot: fast and precise, always in absolute control .

11- After the revolution, the emperor revoked Hungary's constitution and assumed absolute control .

12- LION kings maintain absolute control , while females do all the hunting, right?

13- When you have such a big budget, you want complete, absolute control .

14- The absolute control they have over their voices was stunning, their harmonising superb.

15- Promise: Style sheets give you absolute control over the way your document looks.

16- The arch Enemy of the Ellimist who seeks absolute control over all intelligent life.

17- absolute control over his country .

18- The Communists maintained absolute control over the government and also encouraged citizens to join party organizations.

19- We are used to a having absolute control over the narrative with audiences as passive consumers .

20- The judge has absolute control and unquestioned authority over all persons and dogs in the ring.

21- Copyright law does not grant authors and publishers absolute control over the use of their work.

22- In practice, however, Kim Jong-il exercised absolute control over the government and the country.

23- In so doing it gives the government absolute control over every facet of people's daily lives.

24- He also remarked that Kerala Varma had absolute control over all words in Malayalam and Sanskrit.

25- Within decades of Emperor Daigo's death, the Fujiwara had absolute control over the court.

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