1- The letter added that these human-rights abuses have existed since 2004.

2- This special security zone has faced domestic and international criticism for alleged human-rights abuses .

3- Arms dealers should profit from selling guns legitimately, not from enabling human-rights abuses .

4- Voters for Subianto chose to ignore his links to past human-rights abuses.

5- That language places the burden on investigation rather than reparation of human-rights abuses.

6- Is North Korea Right About U.S. human-rights abuses ?

7- By 1986 the contras were besieged by charges of corruption, human-rights abuses , and military ineptitude.

8- Bhutto is also often criticised for human-rights abuses in Balochistan by hardline Islamists as well as conservatives.

9- We hope all states will join the growing international effort to shine a light on the massive human-rights abuses within North Korea.

10- The only catch to this obscene gravy train is the ongoing, widespread, flagrant, human-rights abuses of the Indonesian military.

11- The 36-year-old officer said he acted on his own only after he was rebuffed in various attempts at going through the chain of command and found the military too preoccupied with protecting its own invasion force to attend properly to the human-rights abuses in Haiti.

12- The devastation owes entirely to "the conflagration": revenge wrought for the independence vote in August, 1999, by departing militia backed by a regime never recognised by the UN. 2-4 With the immediate departure of the international community, ongoing violence, destruction, and human-rights abuses spread unchecked.

13- The hospitality they showed to us via the delicious food and service was in stark contrast to their hesitancy to acknowledge human-rights abuses .


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