1- This concocted impression of America is an absolute lie .

2- This is an absolute lie , as I was merely a member of this page.

3- This is an absolute lie , because I have sent them all my educational records.

4- It's just an absolute lie ." So, why are environmental extremists so down on dredging?

5- Does that not give an absolute lie to the belief that the Opposition are united on Europe?

6- What an absolute lie !

7- The statement that there were no people of interest to the FBI on those flights is an absolute lie .

8- The British news-media keeps incessantly repeating that France and Germany want the other member states to ratify the European Constitution, which is an absolute lie .

9- On 24 January the Council of Ministers of Crimea and Prime Minister of Crimea Anatolii Mohyliov released a press release that stated that rumors "spread by Ukrainian and Russian websites" that Crimea was going to secede from Ukraine were an " absolute lie and provocation distributed with the aim to play on separatist irrelevant topics and sow panic in Crimea".

10- Lawlor said that these issues were not on the agenda, that it was dirty politics and that it misrepresented the facts and Labor policy, "it is absolute lies ".

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