51- In truth, WCOV feared that CBS would cease its affiliation if WSLA was permitted to expand its signal.

52- During the trial, it was made clear that the goths were assaulted due to their subculture affiliation.

53- After six seasons, the Flames and the Las Vegas Wranglers of the ECHL ended their affiliation agreement.

54- The characters here have been grouped by their affiliation with the major political powers in the series.

55- Owners can exchange without needing the resort to have a formal affiliation agreement with the companies.

56- Political affiliation *Member of the National Counseling Committee of Democratic Party from 1994 onwards.

57- Mallorie Bardas, Roman Bellic's girlfriend, has a police record that mentions affiliations with the group.

58- See his letter to the Journal of the American Scientific affiliation and the response by Apologetics Press.

59- She was a Party member in good standing, he declared, and had no affiliations that would bar marriage to Mao.

60- Many of the current Greek organizations were local clubs until 1976 when Baylor allowed national affiliations.

61- 147-163) Identity of an individual is subject to a struggle of affiliation to (sometimes conflicting) realities.

62- Ed Winston Ed Winston, portrayed by Ned Bellamy, is a security guard and a gunman whose affiliations are unknown.

63- Cultural affiliation and Lineal Descent of Chumash Peoples in the Channel Islands and the Santa Monica Mountains.

64- 2008 affiliations The fraternity is a member of the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO).

65- European affiliations The party is not identified particularly with belonging to any particular ideological platform.

66- Also, the professional affiliations and credentials that are claimed for some of the signatories has been questioned.

67- The Meerut Conspiracy Trial The conference discussed an affiliation of the party with the League against Imperialism.

68- His scholarship and his interest in questions of the day led him into affiliations with many of the learned societies.

69- Lewis enthusiasts, with the term "Filipino" referring more to cultural, rather than national or political affiliation.

70- Although the groups affiliated with NATLFED have denied having a political affiliation, Moran, Kevin and Carrie Saldo.

71- Since parties began being listed on ballot papers, the Speaker's affiliation is shown as "Speaker seeking re-election".

72- These colleges act independently, but in affiliation or federation with the university that actually grants the degrees.

73- In addition, there is the Shirdisai temple, which is open to all communities, irrespective of any religious affiliations.

74- From 2002 to 2004, KHON carried select programming from the now-defunct UPN television network as a secondary affiliation.

75- The FNNI affiliation was established in January 2002 when FNNI purchased Castle BancGroup, Inc, the parent company of CBNA.

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