26- A similar aggravation - your symptoms first worsen and then improve.

27- These are killing aggravations which do accent and enhance our sins.

28- Consider the profile worth doing, rather than an aggravation .

29- Good planning will save time, money and possibly aggravation .

30- After the aggravation passed the symptoms of the patient improved.

31- Hopefully this blog post will save some folks the aggravation .

32- All we get for those two monsters is aggravation .

33- aggravation of class struggle under socialism was proclaimed during the Stalinist terror.

34- Even the C potency in medicinal solution tends toward aggravation more quickly.

35- He said he couldn't cope with aggravation .

36- They can, however, produce an aggravation .

37- It's not worth the aggravation '.

38- It will save you time and aggravation .

39- For that aggravation I 'll just keep my remote nearby.

40- This saves you the aggravation of checking the price every day.

41- There was no aggravation on the dose made in this manner.

42- Within a short space of time she was having an aggravation .

43- The authorities responded to this new aggravation in two ways.

44- After much expense and aggravation , the widower prevailed.

45- Don't see what the aggravation is over here.

46- Dean groaned in aggravation but finally opened his eyes.

47- So there is almost no room for unnecessary aggravation from drug withdrawal .

48- Hahnemann had some strong aggravations at times!

49- I'm fed up of all this aggravation .

50- The government is worried about the further aggravation of the situation in the east of Ukraine, said a spokeswoman for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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