1- Our company is aggressively expanding into Europe and the Far East.

2- Our company is aggressively expanding into the U.S. and Europe.

3- The mayor wants the police to arrest any people who are aggressively panhandling on the streets of our city.

4- The government has been aggressively preaching the benefits of safe sex in an effort to stop the spread of AIDS.

5- Others hire outside sales firms to aggressively pitch BBB membership.

6- Even relatively new companies are aggressively rolling out video services.

7- The LCSO has been aggressively searching and investigating since yesterday.

8- We are working aggressively and responsibly against this attempt," he said.

9- Are they going after them as aggressively as they might in other countries?

10- Wheeler aggressively forechecked Bishop and forced him to turnover the puck.

11- Middleton said the team would 'move forward aggressively' in the sabermetrics.

12- The prosecutor asserted that DuBose had not acted aggressively toward Tensing.

13- 118735 Businesses are hiring aggressively and people have more money to spend."""

14- The so-called enterprise market is an area that Cook has moved into aggressively.

15- Gannett, she said, is fighting aggressively - and often - in court to do just that.

16- The 21-year-old pitched aggressively, often commanding the inside part of the plate.

17- With investors selling so aggressively, the action is "so bad it's good," Ross added.

18- In the meantime, Krakauer and the BLAM! lab are aggressively pursuing various targets.

19- James Brannen said the County Counsel's office will "aggressively pursue" the facilities.

20- It remains to be seen how aggressively and quickly regulators in Europe move to enforce it.

21- Netflix has been aggressively building its overseas presence as its key U.S. market matures.

22- She also made it known that she will fight loudly and aggressively to block the legislation.

23- Several are aggressively scaling back mining activities, forcing them to cut U.S. jobs as well.

24- I went for my shots, that is how I play, aggressively, but today was not my day," Williams said.

25- Analysts said Rombertik was "unique" among malware samples for resisting capture so aggressively.

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