1- We went in for agitprop caricature and grotesque exaggeration.

2- The documentary holds its best agitprop for the end.

3- This is skewed agitprop from the TUC .

4- The real arguments get obscured by his slimy agitprop .

5- Leftwing agitprop is common in many of the college 's departments.

6- Mikhailov and the heads of agitprop had to soon intervene.

7- A former agitprop actor and playwright.

8- Through agitprop Rowbotham had extended out of Hackney.

9- He also subjects himself to the agitprop African docudrama Bamako.

10- But it's better than agitprop .

11- In 1949, he rose to head the agitprop section's education committee.

12- Fakectivism begins with left-wing agitprop sites selectively collecting tweets in support or against something.

13- And so OF COURSE they go all in on political agitprop !

14- Working with Rowbotham on agitprop had been John Hoyland.

15- In 1929 an agitprop conference resolved to intensify anti-religious work throughout the education system.

16- Constantin describes them as agitprop pieces, stylistically "pastiches" of Soviet poetry.

17- Usually it is deliberate agitprop .

18- The war in Vietnam pulled him back, and into agitprop's poster work.

19- Indeed, Phillips proves that acts of terrorism can be written downward without melodrama or agitprop .

20- A few hours after our conversation Loach is accused on Newsnight of creating an agitprop .

21- It 's constituent departments governed administration, news, agitprop , education, literature publication and procurement.

22- It would be banal agitprop .

23- agitprop theatre is a named through a combination of the words "agitation" and "propaganda".

24- Is it a Donnie Darko -like mindfuck , a broad comic satire, or leftist agitprop ?

25- Film critic Glenn Kenny wrote, ""Che" seems to me almost the polar opposite of agitprop .

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