1- This gave fresh impetus to popular agitation against India.

2- Other senators expressed similar mystification at the agitation against the bill.

3- After Smith's assassination, the agitation against Mormons continued.

4- Their agitation against Ahmadis resulted in widespread anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment throughout Pakistan.

5- The agitation against Muslims and the British was led by Burmese newspapers.

6- Unrest gripped the country and a powerful agitation against the Act started.

7- It was that date in 1946 where he launched an agitation against colonial rule.

8- Cobden campaigned for free trade in his agitation against the Corn Laws.

9- Petitioning remained a weapon of agitation against the apprenticeship system up to 1838.

10- At the same time, agitation against colonial rule was becoming persistent in Africa.

11- In 1909, Murphy published a column deploring the ongoing agitation against college football.

12- Karunanidhi announced an agitation against the opening of Navodaya Schools in Tamil Nadu.

13- No , it is not for any agitation against economic liberalisation or harassment against women.

14- The PNA rejected the election results as rigged and launched a Nationwide agitation against the results.

15- Chamberlain hoped to harness the public agitation against Turkey's Bulgarian atrocities for a Radical agenda.

16- The Carbonari secretly continued their agitation against Austria and the governments in friendly connection with it.

17- And they are using the level of Islam to do strongly agitation against better Muslim ruler ".

18- But when I started my agitation against Nirma my interactions with Shri Narendra Modi started deteriorating.

19- Though unsuccessful in preventing the ratification of the treaty, the agitation against it did not cease.

20- Lord Lonsdale advised me to remain idle so as to give no further grounds for agitation against boxing.

21- In spite of these facts, the separatists started an agitation against this diversion on the basis of total falsehood.

22- Some zealous Muslims began an agitation against the Sikhs, demanding that the demolition of the mosque should be stopped.

23- The Campus Front, the Popular Front of India's student wing, launched an agitation against the professor.

24- Predictably, the Protestant jingoes focused a great deal of their pro-war agitation against the "disloyal" Archbishop Mannix.

25- agitation against the Latter Day Saints had become particularly fierce in the sparsely settled counties north and east of Caldwell County.

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