1- Railroad workers formed an association to agitate for government action.

2- Students in these courses often agitate for changes throughout the curriculum.

3- These groups began to agitate for the restoration of national independence.

4- While the bourgeoisie agitated for "proper participation", the workers themselves had other concerns.

5- They convince the masses to agitate for their own incarceration".

6- Anselm continued to agitate for reform and the interests of Canterbury.

7- Some Confederate legislators agreed with Stephens and began to agitate for negotiations.

8- Anglo-American settlers in Tennessee continued to agitate for control of the region.

9- As the volume of fire increased, officers began to agitate for action.

10- As a result, the KDP began to agitate for regional autonomy.

11- The South have every right to agitate for 100 % of their resources.

12- The French émigrés continued to agitate for support of a counter-revolution.

13- They took advantage of the lack of oversight to agitate for more political freedom.

14- One US group of families recently visited Britain and started to agitate for action.

15- Despite this reaction, several Radical Movement groups were established to agitate for reform.

16- Economic resolutions agitate for the sharing of wealth and income at the productive level .

17- The new president will likely agitate for more U.S. assistance to the Syrian rebels.

18- The leaders of the Union agitated for higher wages.

19- Potts agitated for a more focused and aggressive role.

20- Countries agitated for reparations that Japan was too poor to pay.

21- The tubes were then agitated for two to four hours.

22- A small Nazi movement openly agitated for incorporation into Germany.

23- Coal miners increasingly agitated for improved wages and working conditions after 1900.

24- Black people who agitated for civil rights in the 1960s were citizens.

25- After the war they agitated for it to be opened to settlement.

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