1- The Archdeacon was not a man of agile mind .

2- He was a superb pilot, with a singular, agile mind .

3- Jackson, anxious to show everybody what an agile mind he had, spoke to me.

4- Ben has an agile mind ; he is maybe the best-read guy I know; tall, also, for a bookseller.

5- Your agile mind can take in everything at a glance, and you will work hard to make foreign travel a reward for your toil.

6- A seasoned gallant who spoke seven languages, he had a quick and agile mind that few women could resist.

7- You get the best of both worlds in a job like this: use your strong back and your agile mind.

8- A seasoned gallant who spoke seven languages, he had a quick and agile mind that few women could resist.

9- Of course for an intelligent person with a still young agile mind it's possible not to fall in that trap -- to learn to stand up for one self against being manipulated -- but of course a question is was there any maThat agile mind was not going to sit back and take things easy even if her body had no option but to obey the doctor's orders.

10- Exercise your mind Just as physical exercise is essential for a strong body, mental exercise is equally essential for a sharp and agile mind .

11- That day' wherever he went, decision and order followed him' As his eyes roved over the terrain, speedily the agile mind made its appreciation.

12- It had been enough to set Freddie's agile mind working, and he grinned expectantly to himself as he heard the watchman's voice.

13- For ninety,' the Matron said, 'you have a most agile mind .'

14- " Well, I thought I'd hurry things along a bit," (His agile mind was forever seeking new methods of conserving energy.)

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