1- The WCTU also agitated against tobacco.

2- The Students of the Sanskrit educations agitated against the policy of contemporary government.

3- The Edmund Burke Society was a right-wing anti-communist group that agitated against prominent left-wing movements.

4- This letter is addressed to those who agitated against Brendan Eichs promotion to Mozillas CEO.

5- The Germans and Magyars (Hungarians) of Czechoslovakia openly agitated against the territorial settlements.

6- During World War I, Nour agitated against any military alliance between Romania and Russia.

7- He agitated against the rule of the Maharaja Hari Singh and urged self-rule for Kashmir.

8- But even in Davenport, meetings and newspaper petitions of white residents agitated against continued African-American migration to Davenport.

9- Likewise, the Church Fathers - according to Deschner - agitated against "heretics" and "misbelievers".

10- A non-Bahá'í brother agitated against this funeral and became so threatening that he was detained by the police.

11- She has agitated against the implementation of the Arizona statute SB1070 against illegal immigration, saying that it goes against civil rights.

12- He organised and agitated against the Gaddafi regime from a tiny office in a converted bedroom in his house in south London .

13- Sharp also advocated parliamentary reform and the legislative independence of Ireland, and agitated against the impressment of sailors for the Navy.

14- Georg Ritter von Schönerer's political party agitated against the "multi-national" Habsburgs and advocated for Deutschösterreich joining Imperial Germany.

15- I agitate against feminist bullshit. as a means of asserting my value.

16- However Merodach-Baladan and the Elamites continued to unsuccessfully agitate against Assyrian rule.

17- In keeping with Popular Front tactics, the PCE was to consolidate its support among workers and agitate against fascism.

18- But if the folks who take cinema seriously were so willing to agitate against colorization, where are they now?

19- The Radikaali emphasized the confidential relationship between Finland and Soviet Union, and it did not agitate against the USSR.

20- In November 1968, Wang Xiao Yu began to agitate against the local army units in Jinan and Shandong Province.

21- He became active in encouraging people to agitate against British rule, and joined the Bengal state unit of the Congress party.

22- I agitate against all the blaming and hating of me personally when feminists blame men for ills that do not even exist.

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