1- And Wizards forward and Toronto agitator Paul Pierce is very proud of that.

2- The slow section evolves to a poco pui agitato interlude followed by a short cadenza marked a piacere (freely).

3- Islamey is a dangerous work with which to start a concert, the agitato semi-quavers of the opening bars requiring considerable precision from an orchestra which has not had time to warm up.

4- In close cooperation with Beethoven-Haus Bonn, we have silkscreened onto the inside of the grand piano lid the opening measures of the Presto agitato from Beethoven's "Moonlight" Sonata, Op. 27 No. 2, taken from the original autograph.

5- The first artist on the label is the four-member rock band agitato , who will release a mini-album titled "COLORS" on January 20.

6- Stride piano's rhythmic and improvisational style is evident in the " agitato e misterioso" section, which begins four bars after rehearsal 33, as well as in other sections, many of which include the orchestra.

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