1- He depicted aerial combat in several works.

2- The scenes of aerial combat are skillfully done and exciting.

3- An extremely bitter aerial combat took place on 11 March.

4- In aerial combat the battles were also one-sided.

5- The depictions of aerial combat in the film are particularly realistic.

6- For aerial combat , Zero mounts her dragon Mikhail.

7- Bader found opposition to his ideas about aerial combat .

8- Adam ran for his life in aerial combat with the aliens.

9- Ownership is contested through aerial combat .

10- Nikola Tesla described a fleet of unmanned aerial combat vehicles in 1915.

11- None were lost in aerial combat .

12- At Habsheim, his first aerial combat was a near disaster.

13- Here, an air interceptor engaged the Polyp in aerial combat .

14- The first aerial combat in the North involved Salas.

15- The game features ground-based hack-and-slash gameplay and aerial combat .

16- This included 550 claimed in aerial combat and 466 on the ground.

17- On April 20, 1918, May fought his first aerial combat .

18- It was destroyed by Guld by sacrificing himself in an aerial combat .

19- In some levels, players can switch between ground-based and aerial combat .

20- It was the beginning of a new type of warfare – aerial combat .

21- This leaves a maximum of 104 lost as a result of aerial combat .

22- By June 1917, Dallas had achieved over 20 victories in aerial combat .

23- In aerial combat missions, players controls Caim's dragon partner Angelus.

24- They use the base's flight simulators to train themselves in aerial combat .

25- Below further dog-fights are in progress, the air filled with aerial combat .

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