1- So, what's on your agenda for the kids today?Can I add something to our agenda for tomorrow's meeting?Please read the agenda before tomorrow's meeting.

2- Looking at the agenda, I'd say it'll probably be a long meeting.

3- Find someone who has been to a travel agency in the last month.

4- agendaStarting off, first on the agenda is about this morning's twoinabed ruckus.

5- In Tunisia, groups with a political agenda based on Islam have been outlawed.

6- Some additional issues for discussion have been appended to the original agenda.

7- You'd better write down the appointment in your agenda, or you'll probably forget.

8- The boss has inserted a couple of new items into the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

9- The first item on our agenda today is the current state of negotiations to avoid a strike.

10- There are too many items on the agenda for the meeting - we'll never get through them all.

11- Any items on this week's agenda that are not discussed today will have to wait until next week.

12- The final item on our agenda today is a plan for celebrating the tenth anniversary of our company.

13- You'd better write the meeting down in your personal agenda so that you don't forget it.

14- aggregateTom seems to have his own private agenda that works against the needs of the others in his office.

15- The Reform Party doesn't seem to have any real political agenda, they just follow popular opinion.

16- Henderson e-mailed a couple of items to me for insertion in tomorrow's agenda for our management meeting.

17- A few people mentioned they would like to attend some sessions later in the day on the Technical Session agenda.

18- The right-wing political parties in our country have been quite effective in promoting their big business agenda.

19- Activists are working hard to ensure that environmental issues are high on the agenda at the international summit in June.

20- All the children at my daughter's school have to purchase an agenda in order to encourage them to learn to organize their time.

21- Naomi Klein has observed that corporations have become the ruling political bodies of our era, setting the agenda of globalization.

22- Today's agenda concerns the reelection of the student council.

23- If anybody wishes to stand as a candidate, please raise your hand.

24- One of the men at the meeting was able to hijack the agenda, with the result that we spent the entire hour spent discussing his own concerns.

25- Pope John Paul II once said that war should belong to the tragic past, to history: it should find no place on humanity's agenda for the future.

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