1- Starting off, first on the agenda is about this morning's twoinabed ruckus.

2- There are too many items on the agenda for the meeting - we'll never get through them all.

3- Activists are working hard to ensure that environmental issues are high on the agenda at the international summit in June.

4- There will be a public hearing before the action item on the agenda.

5- Terrorism and disputes over the South China Sea are also on the agenda.

6- A two-year contract for Superintendent Steve Chestnut is on the agenda.

7- They are not exactly on the agendas of most tourists who visit the city.

8- 'It will be on the agenda for the next couple, three years,' Baucus said.

9- There are 18 points on the agenda, with the last one the vote for presidency.

10- A look at what's on the agenda for the Washington Legislature in the days ahead.

11- The first item on the agenda is the purchase of a small lot at 209 Cherry Street.

12- Asked if Greece was on the agenda of the June 7-8 summit, the official said: "No.

13- Respect for equal rights and self determination for Taiwanese was not on the agenda.

14- Energy East pipeline Climate and energy were also on the agenda of the premier's meeting.

15- 727001 The Greek crisis was on the agenda, but there was another issue to discuss as well.

16- He said promotion wasn't on the agenda this year, it was all about building for next season.

17- One of the topics on the agenda was: "Discussions surrounding the add on of GPS to vehicles."

18- Done View gallery LONDON (AP) - Fox hunting is back on the agenda in Britain, and it's getting bloody.

19- We are looking at various options but so far what you are talking about is not on the agenda, he said.

20- A top item on the agenda concerned leadership.

21- The world community has put financial inclusion on the agenda .

22- It had never been on the agenda .

23- Further constitutional reform was unequivocally on the agenda .

24- A drive was next on the agenda .

25- Battery life was still really high on the agenda .

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